Nidderdale Plus and Mind Harrogate - Nidderdale Men's Group
Published: 01 March 2023
Nidderdale Plus Community Hub, in partnership with Mind in Harrogate, are to host the Nidderdale Men's Group which is being funded as part of the Warm Spaces Initiative. The Parish Council has been asked to publicise the group meetings.
Starting Tuesday 21st February at 10.15 am until 12 noon, the Nidderdale Men’s Group will provide an opportunity for men to meet and socialise with others in the area in a warm and friendly space every fortnight. The Group will initially be located at Nidderdale Plus Community Hub, Station Square, King Street, Pateley Bridge.
A variety of activities are planned such as sport and music quizzes, digital devices, board games and will have guest speakers on subjects such as Navy submarines, home security and Everyday First Aid.
Our first event will have a guest speaker talking about his life as a Royal Navy officer and working with nuclear submarines. Dave, the Group organiser, is open to suggestions on other activities and topics too.
Those attending the Nidderdale Men’s Group will also have the opportunity to take trips out in the Nidderdale Plus minibus, for a small fee, to social and sporting events and museums and attractions such as the Royal Armouries and local Steam railways.
The Nidderdale Men's Group mornings are provided FREE of charge, but booking is preferable.