Darley and Menwith Parish Council normally meets from 7.30 p.m. on the last Monday of each month. There is no meeting in August or December.
Occasional additional meetings are held if there are special issues that need decisions or comments are needed about planning applications.
Meetings through to May 2024 will be held in Darley Memorial Hall.
Members of the public are very welcome to attend and there is an item on every agenda which allows them to speak or ask questions for a maximum of 3 minutes about anything the Parish Council does. Recording of meetings is permitted. Information can be downloaded from the Council Documents page.
The Council addresses such matters as local roads and footpaths, village caretaker and grass-cutting work, planning applications and general correspondence. It responds to consultations of various types, liaises with outside agencies and manages the money which comes to the Council through the precept.
The Proper Officer of the Council is the Parish Clerk, Martin Pearson, who lives on Low Lane, Darley.