The Parish of Darley and Menwith is situated in Nidderdale, North Yorkshire, midway between Harrogate and Pateley Bridge. It has around 1200 inhabitants living in some 450 houses in what is known as a ribbon village. Many of the houses line Darley Main Street which stretches for over 1.5km, and others are on lanes leading off this street, or in the surrounding area. It is a thriving village with several community groups catering for all needs.
DARLEY is a 5 ROSE VILLAGE! Taking part in Yorkshire in Bloom's Golden Rose Competition in 2024, Darley was awarded the maximum 5 Roses, for its facilities, cleanliness and horticultural displays. Well done Darley.
Darley Community Library is now open on Saturdays 10-12 noon, Mondays 5.30 - 6.30pm (term-time only and not Bank Holidays), Tuesdays 10.45 - 12.15
Darley Film Nights are again in progress. Next films are A Haunting in Venice on 1st November, and The Great Escaper in 29th November. Details in Events
Latest village newsletter is now available
Darley Who-Dun-it Trail A circular route (about 1.5 hours) from Darley Shop has been devised, taking in the river bank and parts of the village. Download by clicking on the title link at the start of this item. You can also pick up a printed copy from Darley Shop. Happy Sleuthing!