DARLEY FILM NIGHT - Mary Poppins Returns

Darley Memorial Hall

28 May 21 - 19:00 to 22:00

Mary Poppins Returns - a feel-good movie for everyone to enjoy

 Join us at the first Darley event as the village opens up for Covid-19 lockdown.
Doors open 18.45p.m. with a programme of short local films.   Main feature starts at 7.30p.m.
Seating will be at tables, with maximum groups of 6.
Bar open and light refreshments available.

We hope to be able accommodate everyone, but numbers will have to be restricted
To be sure of your seats, places can be pre-booked via boxoffice@darleymemorialhall.com or by texting 07740 951046

Admission £5, £2 children

 See you there