Darley Memorial Hall

21 Feb 25 - 18:45 to 21:30

93-year-old Thelma Post becomes an unlikely action hero when she sets out to catch a scammer

The next film at Darley Memorial Hall is Thelma, on Friday 21st February. When 93-year-old Thelma Post gets duped by a phone scammer pretending to be her grandson, she sets out on a treacherous quest across the city to reclaim what was taken from her. Unable to get any help from the police and unwilling to let the scammer get away with her money, Thelma becomes an unlikely action hero.

Doors open at 6.45 pm, and the main feature film starts at 7.30 pm (a local interest film will be shown from 6.50 to 7.20). Admission is £5 (£2 children) and you can pay at the door. Refreshments will be on sale before the main feature and during the interval. Bar also open. Further information from boxoffice@darleymemorialhall.com or 07740 951046.